First Name
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Present Position / Designation
Head of legal division
Bio-Professional Background (Brief)
Brenda Edith Vargas Almanza
Lawyer UANL & Certified Mediator Specialist in Healt Mediation.
Public Official for 35 years at the Mexican Social Security Institute.
Precursor of Health Mediation in Mexico having implemented the Health Mediation Center “UMAE 34 TE ESCUCHA”, in a public sector high specialty hospital, UMAE 34, Cardiology Hospital, of the Mexican Social Security Institute, in full force of the covid-19 pandemic, instituting a model that can be replicated in other public or private hospitals in the country in a formal and official manner, accredited and certified by the Judicial Branch in the State of Nuevo León.
More Details
On August 4, 2022, it received the recognition of 'Successful Project of Global Reach' at the XVIII World Mediation Congress in Sucre, Bolivia and on October 24, 2023, it received the 'AMMI 2023 International Award for Institutional Work' from the Association Madrileña de Mediadores, in Madrid, Spain by the aforementioned health mediation center “UMAE 34 TE ESCUCHA”.
- The implementation of the Health Mediation Center “UMAE 34 TE ESCUCHA”, impacts 9 of the 17 SDGs of the 2030 Agenda – UN.
- HEALTH MEDIATION is an alternative for resolving disputes, at the service of patients, family members and workers, based on dialogue.
- The objective of its implementation within hospitals and health care centers is to provide alternatives for access to justice based on dialogue, mediation and conciliation.
- The implementation of health mediation in Mexico represents a significant learning process for all the people who participate in it and in turn means a culture of peace in society.
- The implementation and provision of Health Mediation services constitutes a fundamental right of access to justice and the parallel opportunity to implement public health policies within hospitals and, at the same time, an opportunity to advance in a new culture of justice, as happens in hospitals in Chile, Switzerland, the United Kingdom, among others.
- Health mediation strengthens the socio-health fabric and generates a new culture of peace, as mediation is positioned as the best alternative to resolve conflicts. Health Mediation seeks respect for otherness, the perception and feelings of others, impacting a more just society.
- Users of health mediation centers will be able to obtain significant tools and knowledge for managing conflict situations through peaceful, preventive and containment methods to contribute to a culture of peace not only within the hospital, but towards the community and in his private life.
- De-judicialize conflicts as much as possible. • Reduce the filing of administrative complaints.
- Tener conocimiento inmediato y directo de situaciones que generen conflicto, molestia o insatisfacción en los titulares de derechos para poder trabajar en ellas.• Fortalecer la comunicación entre pacientes, usuarios, beneficiarios y personal de salud. • Sensibilizar en la prestación de servicios de salud. El Centro de Mediación en Salud "UMAE 34 TE ESCUCHA", constituye el primer paso para permear los procesos de mediación y sus beneficios en el sector salud en México, y con ello, la oportunidad de iniciar una nueva era en los procesos médicos y sanitarios en México, contribuyendo a la sensibilización en la prestación de servicios, servicios del sector salud público y privado.
Location not specified
Firm / Company Name
Instituto Mexicano del Seguro Social